Gyro Compass

Untuk menentukan arah dan
haluan kapal dan mengambil
baringan suatu benda darat guna
penentuan posisi kapal di laut.
Life of gyrosphere: more than
Mean time between failures: more
than 2000 h
Settle point error: not exceed +0.75″
x Seccp
Repeatability error of settle point
headings: not exceed O.25″ x secq
Heading error in straight and
uniform sailing: not exceed + 1″ x
Error due to rapid alteration of
speed of 20knots: not exceed +1.5′
Error due to rapid” alteration of
course of 180″ at speed of 20 knots:
not exceed +2.5″
Rapid setting time: less than 2h
Adaptable ship’s power supplies:
AC 220V 50Hz
The max difference of readings
between the master compass and
repeater: +0.5″
Transmissioru Torque transmitter,