Industrial Refrigeration Training
Digunakan sebagai perangkat untuk pelatihan/percobaan identifikasi struktur dasar, prinsip kerja dan pemeliharaan pada sistem pendingin skala industri.
Training Program:
– Plant starting and safely devices intervention checking
– Studying the operation of a thermostatic expansion valve and its calibration
– Studying the operation of an evaporating pressure controller and its calibration
– On-off control: Refigerated room thermostat
– Correlation between evaporation temperature, room temperature and relative humidity in positive temperature rooms
– Analyzing the system behavior versus the variation of:
Thermostatic valve superheats
Condenser air flow
Evaporating pressure controller working point
– Using the refrigerant pressure – enthalpy diagram as work and diagnosis tool: plotting the refrigeration cycle
– Data acquisition and calculation of:
Heat balances corresponding to evaporator, condenser, compressor, Refrigerant mass flow, Volumetric compression efficiency and its trend versus compression ratio
Condenser exchange surface
Heat transfer coefficient between air and refrigerant in the condenser, Heat losses through the room walls
Manual book.